
My Msp Account

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Oh, The Joys Of The Mall...

So, Ive made some good friends at my time on Msp and I learnt they will put up with anything, especially when ppl stand on yuh!

I Also learnt that ppl know I <33 Spongebob!!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Vip xDDD

Yuh See, this is wot looks ya get when u buy me vip :L

Friday, 22 June 2012

Me On Forums, By Myself..

HAHA!! Omg i think i need help!! I Was so bored i had time to wrtie songs on pplz forums xDD

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Dey See Me Rollin' In Ma Tank Yeah xD

OMG PARIX! U and i r... 'special' children. We had a sing-song about stuff and then i sent her something on her phone that i shall NOT repeat since we shouldent know those words :O

Saturday, 9 June 2012

No,No No!

Geez! Parix I Understand Ur Pain!!! Do ppl not know wot the word 'no' means?? FGS!
And This Was In The Same Day...From The SAME Person!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Weird Or Wot?

I only just thought about this, but isnt this guy strange :L

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

OMG! Writing On Parix's Wall xD

So as u may know Parix is my best friend in rl and on Msp. So when $ofia1 (add her shes amazing!) said 'should we write on her wall i though why not. OMG! We totally trashed her wall! Then Spuds1 Joined in and we had an amzing convo!! About Things :L  Then Soph Left So We Moved On To Forums. Carlys Advice Line Was Hilar! Although Jack, I DONT LIKE LIKE U!


Ahaa <'3  My Friends Are Hilarious! I Had a convo with SweetStar A While ago which was VERY posh and Jalen admitted that he had a phobia of fat ppl...

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Bezziez!! <'3

These Guys Are Osm! The First 3 R My Bezziez On Msp And The Other Guys Are Still AMAZING! U Guys Rock!! Add Them! NOW! :]


Hey guyzz! I hope yuh like my bloggeh! Its a bit lame, I know,but oh well! This Bloggeh About My MovieStarPlanet Acc. Sorry if ur not on here these r just the ppl I have been talking to lately ;D (My Acc On Msp Btw)





Ezz And Sophhh

Ezz And Sophhh


Just cuz she aint on my bff thing doesnt mean she aint my bff!!

Me On IMVU!!

Me On IMVU!!
Add Her!!! She called EllzaBubbah


My Playlist